Malay to English
hasil carian: valley
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valley dilapidated, valley it gives,
English to English
noun (n)
- a long depression in the surface of the land that usually contains a riverpanjang depresi di permukaan tanah yang biasanya mengandungi sungaisource: wordnet30The space inclosed between ranges of hills or mountains; the strip of land at the bottom of the depressions intersecting a country, including usually the bed of a stream, with frequently broad alluvial plains on one or both sides of the stream. Also used figuratively.ruang inclosed antara gunung atau bukit pegunungan; jalur tanah di bahagian bawah depresi berpotongan negara, termasuk biasanya katil dari sungai, dengan kerap luas alluvial dataran di satu atau kedua sisi sungai. juga digunakan kiasan.source: webster1913