Malay to English
hasil carian: turban
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a turban, turbans,
English to English
noun (n)
- a traditional Muslim headdress consisting of a long scarf wrapped around the headtradisional muslim headdress consisting dari panjang selendang membungkus kepalasource: wordnet30A headdress worn by men in the Levant and by most Mohammedans of the male sex, consisting of a cap, and a sash, scarf, or shawl, usually of cotton or linen, wound about the cap, and sometimes hanging down the neck.sebuah headdress dipakai oleh men in the levant dan oleh kebanyakan mohammedans of the male seks, consisting dari topi, dan seorang sash, selendang, atau selendang, biasanya dari kapas atau linen, luka tentang cap, dan terkadang tergantung di leher.source: webster1913