Malay to English Translator
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Malay to English

hasil carian: interstate

Probably related to:
Malay English
of interstate, side of interstate, side of lnterstate, under interstate, up the interstate,

English to English

(,/I/nt/@/r'st/eI/t )

adjective (a)

  • involving and relating to the mutual relations of states especially of the United States
    dan berkaitan yang melibatkan hubungan timbal balik dari negara terutama amerika serikat
    Interstate Highway Commission.
    Interstate highways.
    Interstate Commerce Commission.
    Interstate commerce.
    source: wordnet30
  • Pertaining to the mutual relations of States; existing between, or including, different States; as, interstate commerce.
    yang mendukung hubungan timbal balik dari syarikat; antara sedia ada, atau termasuk, negara yang berbeda; sebagai, aku antar negara bagian/ aku perniagaannya.
    source: webster1913

noun (n)

  • one of the system of highways linking major cities in the 48 contiguous states of the United States
    satu sistem raya yang menghubungkan kota utama dalam 48 bersebelahan negara amerika serikat
    source: wordnet30