Malay to English
hasil carian: golden
Probably related to:
Malay | English |
golden the, that golden, the golden,
English to English
adjective (a)
- Made of gold; consisting of gold.terbuat dari emas; consisting emas.source: webster1913
adjective satellite (s)
- having the deep slightly brownish color of goldhaving the deep sedikit kecoklatan warna emasExample:
Long aureate (or golden) hair.
source: wordnet30marked by peace and prosperitypancaran perdamaian dan kemakmuranExample:
A golden era.
source: wordnet30made from or covered with goldterbuat dari atau ditutupi dengan emasExample:
The golden calf.
source: wordnet30supremely favoredsupremely disukaiExample:
Golden lads and girls all must / like chimney sweepers come to dust.
source: wordnet30suggestive of goldmemberi saran dari emasExample:
A golden voice.
source: wordnet30presaging or likely to bring good luckpresaging atau mungkin untuk membawa keberuntungansource: wordnet30