Malay to English
hasil carian: fury
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a fury, does fury, fury even, the fury,
English to English
noun (n)
- a feeling of intense angerperasaan marah intensExample:
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
source: wordnet30state of violent mental agitationkeadaan mental hasutan kekerasansource: wordnet30the property of being wild or turbulentmilik menjadi liar atau bergolaksource: wordnet30(classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals(mitologi klasik) yang mengerikan snake haired monster (biasanya di nomor tiga) siapa yang mengejar penjahat dihukumsource: wordnet30A thief.pencuri.source: webster1913Violent or extreme excitement; overmastering agitation or enthusiasm.keras atau kegembiraan ekstrim; overmastering hasutan atau antusiasme.source: webster1913