Malay to English
hasil carian: bandy
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bandy s, bandy the, daisy daisy,
English to English
adjective (a)
- Bent; crooked; curved laterally, esp. with the convex side outward; as, a bandy leg.bengkok; bengkok; laterally melengkung, esp. dengan cembung pihak luar; sebagai, aku bertengkar/ kaki saya.source: webster1913
noun (n)
- A carriage or cart used in India, esp. one drawn by bullocks.kereta sorong atau digunakan di india, esp. satu digambar oleh bullocks.source: webster1913A club bent at the lower part for striking a ball at play; a hockey stick.klub tertekuk di bawah bagian untuk memukul bola di bermain; tongkat hoki.source: webster1913
adjective satellite (s)
- have legs that curve outward at the kneesmemiliki kaki yang membengkok luaran di lututsource: wordnet30
verb (v)
- toss or strike a ball back and forthlempar atau menyerang bola kembali dan sebagainyasource: wordnet30exchange blowstukar pukulansource: wordnet30To beat to and fro, as a ball in playing at bandy.untuk mengalahkan ke sana kemari, seperti bola dalam bermain di bertengkar.source: webster1913To contend, as at some game in which each strives to drive the ball his own way.untuk bersaing, seperti di beberapa permainan di mana setiap strives menyupiri bola caranya sendiri.source: webster1913