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English to Malay

hasil carian: ulterior

Probably related to:
English Malay
terletak lebih jauh, tersembunyi,

English to English


adjective (a)

  • Situated beyond, or on the farther side; thither; - - correlative with hither.
    terletak di luar, atau di sisi makin jauh; ke situ; - - correlative dengan aku di sini/ aku.
    source: webster1913

noun (n)

  • Ulterior side or part.
    tersembunyi atau bagian sisi.
    source: webster1913

adjective satellite (s)

  • lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed)
    berbohong melampaui semua mendedahkan secara terbuka atau diakui (terutama yang disimpan dalam latar belakang atau sengaja tersembunyi)
    Looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge.
    source: wordnet30
  • beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote
    luar atau luar area bantuan minat; remote
    A suggestion ulterior to the present discussion.
    Without...any purpose, immediate or ulterior.
    source: wordnet30
  • coming at a subsequent time or stage
    datang pada suatu waktu atau tahap berikutnya
    Without ulterior argument.
    later, posterior
    source: wordnet30