Malay to English Translator
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English to Malay

hasil carian: refined

Probably related to:
English Malay
disempurnakan, disuling, halus, menyuling, yang disuling,

English to English

(r/I/'f/aI/nd )

adjective (a)

  • (used of persons and their behavior) cultivated and genteel
    (dari orang biasa dan perilaku mereka) terpelihara dan santun
    She was delicate and refined and unused to hardship.
    Refined people with refined taste.
    source: wordnet30
  • freed from impurities by processing
    lepas dari impurities oleh pemprosesan
    Refined sugar.
    Refined oil.
    To gild refined gold.
    source: wordnet30
  • Freed from impurities or alloy; purifed; polished; cultured; delicate; as; refined gold; refined language; refined sentiments.
    lepas dari impurities atau campuran; purifed; digosok; beradab; halus; sebagai; aku disempurnakan/ aku emas; aku disempurnakan/ aku bahasa; aku disempurnakan/ aku sentimen.
    source: webster1913

adjective satellite (s)

  • showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience
    menunjukkan tingkat tinggi dari perbaikan dan jaminan yang berasal dari pengalaman luas sosial
    source: wordnet30
  • suggesting taste, ease, and wealth
    menyarankan selera, kemudahan, dan kekayaan
    elegant, graceful
    source: wordnet30
  • free from what is tawdry or unbecoming
    bebas dari apa yang menjolok mata atau pantas
    neat, tasteful
    source: wordnet30