English to Malay
hasil carian: measured
Probably related to:
English | Malay |
diukur, mengukur, ukur,
English to English
adjective (a)
- having notes of fixed rhythmic valuememiliki catatan tetap nilai beriramasource: wordnet30Regulated or determined by a standard; hence, equal; uniform; graduated; limited; moderated; as, he walked with measured steps; he expressed himself in no measured terms.teregulasi atau ditentukan oleh standar; maka, sama; seragam; lulus; terbatas; moderated; sebagai, ia berjalan dengan aku diukur/ langkah saya; dia menyatakan diri tidak diukur/ aku istilah.source: webster1913
adjective satellite (s)
- the rhythmic arrangement of syllablesthe berirama penyusunan sukukatasource: wordnet30carefully thought out in advancehati hati pemikiran di mukaExample:
With measured irony.
source: wordnet30unhurried and with care and dignitytenang dan hati dan martabatExample:
Walking at the same measured pace.
source: wordnet30