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hasil carian: inch

Probably related to:
English Malay
berukuran inci, cun, enam inci, inchi, inci pun payudara, inci ukuran, inci, inciunit plural, sepanjang inci, setebal inci,

English to English

(/I/n/tS/ )

adjective (a)

  • Measuring an inch in any dimension, whether length, breadth, or thickness; -- used in composition; as, a two-inch cable; a four-inch plank.
    ukur inci dalam setiap dimensi, samada panjang, lebar, atau ketebalan; - - digunakan dalam komposisi; sebagai, dua- aku inci/ aku kabel; empat- aku inci/ aku plank.
    source: webster1913

noun (n)

  • a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot
    kesatuan panjang sama dengan satu twelfth dari kaki
    source: wordnet30
  • a unit of measurement for advertising space
    kesatuan pengukuran untuk ruang iklan
    column inch
    source: wordnet30
  • An island; -- often used in the names of small islands off the coast of Scotland, as in Inchcolm, Inchkeith, etc.
    sebuah pulau; - - sering digunakan dalam nama pulau kecil di lepas pantai scotland, seperti dalam aku inci/ aku colm, aku inci/ aku keith, dll.
    source: webster1913
  • A measure of length, the twelfth part of a foot, commonly subdivided into halves, quarters, eights, sixteenths, etc., as among mechanics. It was also formerly divided into twelve parts, called lines, and originally into three parts, called barleycorns, its length supposed to have been determined from three grains of barley placed end to end lengthwise. It is also sometimes called a prime (′), composed of twelve seconds (′′), as in the duodecimal system of arithmetic.
    ukuran panjang, jam dua belas bagian kaki, umumnya subdivided ke bagian, kediaman, lapan, satu perenambelas, dll. , sebagai antara mekanik. itu juga yang dulunya dibagi menjadi dua belas suku, disebut saya baris/ aku, dan awalnya menjadi tiga bagian, disebut saya barleycorns/ aku, panjang seharusnya telah ditentukan dari tiga butir barli ditempatkan end to end memanjang. ini juga disebut kadang aku perdana/ aku (& perdana; ) , terdiri daripada dua belas detik (& perdana; & perdana; ) , seperti di the perduabelasan sistem aritmetik.
    source: webster1913

verb (v)

  • advance slowly, as if by inches
    maju perlahan, seolah perlahan
    source: wordnet30
  • To drive by inches, or small degrees.
    memandu perlahan, atau kecil derajat.
    source: webster1913
  • To advance or retire by inches or small degrees; to move slowly.
    untuk memajukan atau pensiun oleh inci darjah atau kecil; lewa.
    source: webster1913