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English to Malay

hasil carian: gramophone

Probably related to:
English Malay
gramofon, peti piring hitam,

English to English

('gr/&/m/@/,f/oU/n )

noun (n)

  • an antique record player; the sound of the vibrating needle is amplified acoustically
    antik catatan pemain; suara bergetar jarum diperkuat acoustically
    source: wordnet30
  • An instrument for recording, preserving, and reproducing sounds, the record being a tracing of a phonautograph etched in some solid material. Reproduction is accomplished by means of a system attached to an elastic diaphragm.
    alat untuk merekam, untuk dijaga, dan meneruskan bunyi, catatan menjadi melacak seorang phonautograph terukir dalam tegas materi. tiruan tercapai melalui sistem yang melekat pada getah diafragma.
    source: webster1913