English to Malay
hasil carian: firm
Probably related to:
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firma syarikat, firma, kejal, kenyal, kukuh teguh pejal, lebih tegas, mantapkan, pejal, perusahaan, sali, tegas dan, tegas, teguh, yang kokoh,
English to English
adjective (a)
- Fixed; hence, closely compressed; compact; substantial; hard; solid; -- applied to the matter of bodies; as, firm flesh; firm muscles, firm wood.tetap; maka, dekat termampat; padat; substansial; keras; padat; - - diterapkan untuk masalah dari tubuh; sebagai, firma aku/ aku daging; firma aku/ aku otot, firma aku/ aku wood.source: webster1913
noun (n)
- the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishmentsanggota organisasi perniagaan yang memiliki atau beroperasi satu atau lebih pembukaansource: wordnet30The name, title, or style, under which a company transacts business; a partnership of two or more persons; a commercial house; as, the firm of Hope & Co.nama, tajuk, atau gaya, di mana perusahaan transacts bisnis; kemitraan daripada dua orang atau lebih; komersial rumah; sebagai, yang saya tegas/ saya harapan& co.source: webster1913
adverb (r)
- with resolute determinationdengan kebulatan tekadExample:
We firmly believed it.
You must stand firm.
source: wordnet30adjective satellite (s)
- marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakableditandai oleh firma tekad atau resolusi; tidak shakableExample:
Firm convictions.
A firm mouth.
source: wordnet30not soft or yielding to pressuretidak lembut atau memberi tekanan kepadaExample:
A firm mattress.
The snow was firm underfoot.
source: wordnet30not subject to revision or changetidak tertakluk kepada semakan atau tukarExample:
A firm contract.
A firm offer.
source: wordnet30(of especially a person's physical features) not shaking or trembling(terutama orang fitur fisik) tidak gemetar atau gemetarExample:
His voice was firm and confident.
A firm step.
source: wordnet30not liable to fluctuate or especially to falltidak berkewajiban berfluktuasi atau terutama untuk jatuhExample:
Stocks are still firm.
source: wordnet30securely establishedsecurely mapanExample:
Holds a firm position as the country's leading poet.
source: wordnet30possessing the tone and resiliency of healthy tissuemerasuk nada dan resiliency sehat dari jaringanExample:
Firm muscles.
source: wordnet30securely fixed in placesecurely tetap di tempatExample:
The post was still firm after being hit by the car.
source: wordnet30unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or causetetap dalam pengabdian kepada teman atau sumpah atau menyebabkanExample:
A firm ally.
source: wordnet30verb (v)
- become taut or tautermenjadi tegang atau tauterExample:
Your muscles will firm when you exercise regularly.
source: wordnet30make taut or tautermembuat tegang atau tautersource: wordnet30To fix; to settle; to confirm; to establish.untuk memperbaiki; untuk menyelesaikan; untuk mengkonfirmasi; taja.source: webster1913