English to Malay
hasil carian: discredit
Probably related to:
English | Malay |
diskredit, kehilangan kepercayaan, memalukan, mempermalukan, mendiskreditkan, telah mempermalukan,
English to English
noun (n)
- the state of being held in low esteemkeadaan ditahan pada harga rendahExample:
Your actions will bring discredit to your name.
source: wordnet30The act of discrediting or disbelieving, or the state of being discredited or disbelieved; as, later accounts have brought the story into discredit.tindakan discrediting atau disbelieving, atau keadaan menjadi dihapuskan atau disbelieved; sebagai, kemudian akaun telah membawa cerita ke mempermalukan aku/ aku.source: webster1913verb (v)
- cause to be distrusted or disbelievedmenyebabkan perlu distrusted atau disbelievedExample:
The paper discredited the politician with its nasty commentary.
source: wordnet30damage the reputation ofreputasi dari kerusakanExample:
This newspaper story discredits the politicians.
source: wordnet30reject as false; refuse to acceptmenolak sebagai palsu; menolak untuk menerimasource: wordnet30To refuse credence to; not to accept as true; to disbelieve; as, the report is discredited.untuk menolak untuk credence; tidak untuk menerima sebagai benar; untuk disbelieve; sebagai, laporan itu aku dihapuskan/ aku.source: webster1913