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hasil carian: direct

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English Malay
informasi langsung, jujur sekali, kontak langsung dengan, kontak langsung, langsung yang, langsung, langsungku, memaparkan lokasi, mengarahkan menghalakan, mengarahkan, searah,

English to English

(d/I/'r/E/kt )

adjective (a)

  • direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short
    langsung dalam dimensi spasial; berjalan tanpa penyimpangan atau gangguan; lurus dan pendek
    A direct route.
    A direct flight.
    A direct hit.
    source: wordnet30
  • straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action
    dalam cara yang mudah atau cara atau perilaku atau bahasa atau tindakan
    A direct question.
    A direct response.
    A direct approach.
    source: wordnet30
  • in a straight unbroken line of descent from parent to child
    dalam satu garis keturunan langsung terputus dari orang tua ke anaknya
    A direct descendant of the king.
    Direct heredity.
    collateral, indirect
    source: wordnet30
  • moving from west to east on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in the same direction as the Earth
    bergerak dari barat ke timur di sfera langit; atau-- untuk planet-- mengelilingi matahari ke arah yang sama seperti bumi
    source: wordnet30
  • similar in nature or effect or relation to another quantity
    serupa dalam alam atau kesan atau hubungan dengan kuantiti lain
    A term is in direct proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other increases (or decreases).
    source: wordnet30
  • (of a current) flowing in one direction only
    (dari arus) mengalir dalam satu arah sahaja
    Direct current.
    source: wordnet30
  • Straight; not crooked, oblique, or circuitous; leading by the short or shortest way to a point or end; as, a direct line; direct means.
    lurus; tak bengkok, serong, atau circuitous; memimpin dengan pendek atau jalan terpendek untuk titik atau akhir; sebagai, aku langsung/ saya garis; aku langsung/ aku berarti.
    source: webster1913
  • Pertaining to, or effected immediately by, action of the people through their votes instead of through one or more representatives or delegates; as, direct nomination, direct legislation.
    berkaitan dengan, atau effected segera oleh, tindakan rakyat melalui suara kalian bukannya melalui satu atau lebih perwakilan atau delegates; sebagai, aku langsung/ aku pencalonan, aku langsung/ aku undang.
    source: webster1913

noun (n)

  • A character, thus [&?;], placed at the end of a staff on the line or space of the first note of the next staff, to apprise the performer of its situation.
    karakter, demikian& ? ; , ditempatkan di ujung seorang staf di telepon atau ruang angkasa pertama catatan berikutnya staf, untuk apprise si pelaku of its situasi.
    source: webster1913

adverb (r)

  • without deviation
    tanpa yang terkecuali
    The path leads directly to the lake.
    Went direct to the office.
    directly, straight
    source: wordnet30

adjective satellite (s)

  • having no intervening persons, agents, conditions
    tanpa campur tangan orang, agen, kondisi
    In direct sunlight.
    In direct contact with the voters.
    Direct exposure to the disease.
    A direct link.
    The direct cause of the accident.
    Direct vote.
    source: wordnet30
  • being an immediate result or consequence
    menjadi segera hasil atau konsekuensi
    A direct result of the accident.
    source: wordnet30
  • in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker
    di tepatnya kata kata yang sama yang digunakan oleh penulis atau speaker
    A direct quotation.
    source: wordnet30
  • lacking compromising or mitigating elements; exact
    mengurangi elemen mitigating atau kurang; tepat
    The direct opposite.
    source: wordnet30

verb (v)

  • command with authority
    arahan berwibawa
    He directed the children to do their homework.
    source: wordnet30
  • intend (something) to move towards a certain goal
    berniat (sesuatu) bergerak ke arah tujuan tertentu
    Criticism directed at her superior.
    Direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself.
    aim, place, point, target
    source: wordnet30
  • guide the actors in (plays and films)
    panduan aktor dalam (drama dan filem)
    source: wordnet30
  • be in charge of
    menjadi memimpin
    head, lead
    source: wordnet30
  • take somebody somewhere
    bawa seseorang di suatu tempat
    conduct, guide, lead, take
    source: wordnet30
  • cause to go somewhere
    karena untuk pergi ke suatu tempat
    He directed all his energies into his dissertation.
    source: wordnet30
  • point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards
    titik atau karena untuk pergi (pukulan, senjata, atau objek seperti fotografi peralatan) ke arah
    aim, take, take aim, train
    source: wordnet30
  • lead, as in the performance of a composition
    memimpin, seperti dalam penampilan of a komposisi
    conduct, lead
    source: wordnet30
  • give directions to; point somebody into a certain direction
    mengarahi; seseorang ke arah titik tertentu
    I directed them towards the town hall.
    source: wordnet30
  • specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public
    khususnya desain produk, peristiwa, atau aktiviti tertentu untuk umum
    aim, calculate
    source: wordnet30
  • direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
    mengarahkan kursus; tentukan arah bagi bepergian
    source: wordnet30
  • put an address on (an envelope)
    masukkan alamat di (sebuah amplop)
    source: wordnet30
  • plan and direct (a complex undertaking)
    rencana dan mengarahkan (usaha yang rumit)
    source: wordnet30
  • To arrange in a direct or straight line, as against a mark, or towards a goal; to point; to aim; as, to direct an arrow or a piece of ordnance.
    untuk mengatur secara langsung atau lurus, sebagai tanda melawan, atau ke arah gol; titik; untuk tujuan; sebagai, aku langsung ke/ aku anak panah atau sepotong kelengkapan.
    source: webster1913
  • To give direction; to point out a course; to act as guide.
    untuk memberikan arah; tunjuk kursus; untuk bertindak sebagai panduan.
    source: webster1913