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hasil carian: conflict

Probably related to:
English Malay
ada konflik, adanya konflik, berselisih faham, entri tentang konflik, konflik, peramukan, perbantahan, perbentrokan, percederaan, perselisihan pertikaian pertentangan, sengketa,

English to English


noun (n)

  • an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals)
    terbuka lembayung antara dua dari kelompok (atau individu)
    The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph.
    battle, struggle
    source: wordnet30
  • opposition between two simultaneous but incompatible feelings
    perlawanan antara dua sekali gus tapi perasaan tidak serasi
    He was immobilized by conflict and indecision.
    source: wordnet30
  • a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war
    musuh rapat untuk menentang pasukan militer dalam kursus perang
    source: wordnet30
  • a state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests
    keadaan perlawanan antara orang atau ide atau kepentingan
    His conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post.
    A conflict of loyalties.
    source: wordnet30
  • an incompatibility of dates or events
    sebuah ketidakserasian tanggal atau kejadian
    He noticed a conflict in the dates of the two meetings.
    source: wordnet30
  • opposition in a work of drama or fiction between characters or forces (especially an opposition that motivates the development of the plot)
    perlawanan dalam karya drama atau fiksi antara aksara atau pasukan (terutama dalam perlawanan yang memotivasi pengembangan plot)
    This form of conflict is essential to Mann's writing.
    source: wordnet30
  • a disagreement or argument about something important
    sedikit kesalah pahaman atau argumen tentang sesuatu yang penting
    The familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats.
    source: wordnet30
  • A striking or dashing together; violent collision; as, a conflict of elements or waves.
    yang mencolok atau dashing bersama; kekerasan tabrakan; sebagai, aku konflik/ aku dari elemen atau gelombang.
    source: webster1913

verb (v)

  • be in conflict
    berada dalam konflik
    The two proposals conflict!.
    source: wordnet30
  • go against, as of rules and laws
    melawan, dan sebagai aturan hukum
    This behavior conflicts with our rules.
    source: wordnet30
  • To strike or dash together; to meet in violent collision; to collide.
    untuk menyerang atau dash bersama; bertemu di kekerasan tabrakan; laga.
    source: webster1913