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hasil carian: cold

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English Malay
adem, ahh dinginnya, akan ketakutan, amat dingin, belum dihidupkan, berhati dingin, berubah dingin, coid, cuaca dingin, cuaca sejuk, dengan sejuk, dingin ini, dingin itu, dingin yang, dingin, dinginnya, hidangan sejuk, jadi wajah pencari panas guys, kedinginan, kedingingan, kesejukan, masuk yang dingin, memang dingin, menyejukkan, merasa dingin, pilek, rasa sejuk ke, sedingin, sejuk dingin, sejuk, sejuknya, selesema ke, suatu usaha, sudah dingin, terpendam, yang dingin ini, yang dingin, yang sejuk,

English to English

(k/oU/ld )

adjective (a)

  • having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration
    rendah atau mengalami memadai suhu atau merasakan sensasi dari kedinginan atau mempunyai dibuat oleh e dingin. g. es atau pendinginan
    A cold climate.
    A cold room.
    Dinner has gotten cold.
    Cold fingers.
    If you are cold, turn up the heat.
    A cold beer.
    source: wordnet30
  • extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion
    lanjutan makna; terutama dari psikologis kedinginan; manusia tanpa emosi atau kehangatan
    A cold unfriendly nod.
    A cold and unaffectionate person.
    A cold impersonal manner.
    Cold logic.
    The concert left me cold.
    source: wordnet30
  • Deprived of heat, or having a low temperature; not warm or hot; gelid; frigid.
    dirampas panas, atau mempunyai low temperature; tidak hangat atau panas; amat dingin; dingin.
    source: webster1913

noun (n)

  • a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs)
    yang ringan jangkitan virus melibatkan hidung dan pernapasan ayat (tapi tidak paru)
    Will they never find a cure for the common cold?.
    common cold
    source: wordnet30
  • the absence of heat
    ketiadaan panas
    The coldness made our breath visible.
    Come in out of the cold.
    Cold is a vasoconstrictor.
    source: wordnet30
  • the sensation produced by low temperatures
    perasaan yang dihasilkan oleh suhu rendah
    He shivered from the cold.
    The cold helped clear his head.
    source: wordnet30
  • The relative absence of heat or warmth.
    keluarganya tidak adanya panas atau kehangatan.
    source: webster1913

adjective satellite (s)

  • having lost freshness through passage of time
    setelah kehilangan kesegaran melalui berlalunya waktu
    A cold trail.
    Dogs attempting to catch a cold scent.
    source: wordnet30
  • (color) giving no sensation of warmth
    (warna) tidak memberikan sensasi dari kehangatan
    A cold bluish grey.
    source: wordnet30
  • marked by errorless familiarity
    pancaran errorless keakraban
    Had her lines cold before rehearsals started.
    source: wordnet30
  • lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new
    kurang keaslian atau spontaneity; tidak lagi baru
    source: wordnet30
  • so intense as to be almost uncontrollable
    begitu kuat sebagai hampir menjadi tak terkendali
    Cold fury gripped him.
    source: wordnet30
  • sexually unresponsive
    tindak balas secara seksual
    Was cold to his advances.
    source: wordnet30
  • without compunction or human feeling
    tanpa sesal atau perasaan manusia
    In cold blood.
    Cold-blooded killing.
    source: wordnet30
  • feeling or showing no enthusiasm
    menunjukkan perasaan atau tidak antusiasme
    A cold audience.
    A cold response to the new play.
    source: wordnet30
  • unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication
    pingsan karena tembakan atau shock atau mabuk
    The boxer was out cold.
    Pass out cold.
    source: wordnet30
  • of a seeker; far from the object sought
    seorang seeker; jauh dari objek dicari
    source: wordnet30
  • lacking the warmth of life
    kurang kehangatan kehidupan
    Cold in his grave.
    source: wordnet30

verb (v)

  • To become cold.
    untuk menjadi dingin.
    source: webster1913