English to Malay
hasil carian: cleanly
Probably related to:
English | Malay |
baik, bersih,
English to English
adjective (a)
- Habitually clean; pure; innocent.habitually bersih; murni; tak bersalah.source: webster1913
adverb (r)
- in an adroit mannerdalam satu cara gesitExample:
He bounced it cleanly off the wall.
source: wordnet30in a manner that minimizes dirt and pollutiondengan cara yang minimizes debu dan pencemaranExample:
The motor burns cleanly.
source: wordnet30without difficulty or distortiontanpa kepayahan atau distorsiExample:
She played the piano accompaniment cleanly.
source: wordnet30In a clean manner; neatly.dalam cara yang bersih; rapi.source: webster1913adjective satellite (s)
- habitually cleanhabitually bersihExample:
Cleanly in their persons and habitations.
source: wordnet30