English to Malay
hasil carian: accusative
Probably related to:
English | Malay |
akusatip, kasus keempat, penderita,
English to English
adjective (a)
- serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposesmelayani sebagai atau menunjukkan object of a verb atau tertentu prepositions tertentu dan digunakan untuk tujuan lainExample:
Accusative endings.
source: wordnet30Producing accusations; accusatory.memproduksi tuduhan; accusatory.source: webster1913noun (n)
- the case of nouns serving as the direct object of a verbkasus nouns melayani sebagai langsung objek of a verbsource: wordnet30The accusative case.the penderita kasus.source: webster1913
adjective satellite (s)
- containing or expressing accusationmengandungi atau mengungkapkan pendakwaansource: wordnet30