English to English
adjective (a)
- in good health especially after having suffered illness or injuryafiat terutama setelah menderita penyakit atau cederaExample:
Appears to be entirely well.
The wound is nearly well.
A well man.
I think I'm well; at least I feel well.
source: wordnet30Good in condition or circumstances; desirable, either in a natural or moral sense; fortunate; convenient; advantageous; happy; as, it is well for the country that the crops did not fail; it is well that the mistake was discovered.baik dalam keadaan atau situasi; diinginkan, ada di sebuah alami atau akal moral; beruntung; nyaman; berfaedah; bahagia; sebagai, itu aku dengan baik/ aku bagi negara itu tanaman tidak gagal; itu aku dengan baik/ aku menemukan bahwa kesilapan itu.source: webster1913noun (n)
- a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brineatau menggali lubang yang dalam terowong atau dilatih untuk memperoleh air atau minyak atau gas atau air garamsource: wordnet30a cavity or vessel used to contain liquidrongga atau mangkuk biasanya mengandungi cecairsource: wordnet30an abundant sourcesebuah sumber berlimpahExample:
She was a well of information.
source: wordnet30an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)membuka lubang melalui lantai bangunan sampailah (adapun anak tangga)source: wordnet30an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e.g. fish or a plane's landing gear or for protecting something as e.g. a ship's pumpssebuah petak terlampir dalam sebuah kapal atau pesawat untuk memegang sesuatu sebagai e. g. ikan atau pendaratan pesawat atau untuk melindungi sesuatu sebagai e. g. kapal pompasource: wordnet30An issue of water from the earth; a spring; a fountain.isu air dari bumi; musim semi; sebuah air mancur.source: webster1913adverb (r)
- (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well')(yang sering digunakan sebagai gabungan bentuk) dalam cara yang baik atau yang tepat atau memadai atau standar yang tinggi (` good' adalah nonstandard dialek bagi varian` well')Example:
The children behaved well.
A task well done.
The party went well.
He slept well.
A well-argued thesis.
A well-seasoned dish.
A well-planned party.
source: wordnet30thoroughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining formatau sepenuhnya secara menyeluruh; sepenuhnya; yang sering digunakan sebagai gabungan bentukExample:
The problem is well understood.
She was well informed.
Shake well before using.
In order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked.
Well-done beef.
Well-satisfied customers.
source: wordnet30indicating high probability; in all likelihoodmenunjukkan tinggi berkemungkinan; sepertinyaExample:
I might well do it.
You may well need your umbrella.
He could equally well be trying to deceive us.
source: wordnet30(used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully(digunakan untuk penekanan atau sebagai penguat) sepenuhnya atau sepenuhnyaExample:
A book well worth reading.
Was well aware of the difficulties ahead.
Suspected only too well what might be going on.
source: wordnet30to a suitable or appropriate extent or degreeyang sesuai atau tepat lebih atau derajatExample:
The project was well underway.
The fetus has well developed organs.
His father was well pleased with his grades.
source: wordnet30favorably; with approvalkeseluruhannya; dengan persetujuanExample:
Their neighbors spoke well of them.
He thought well of the book.
source: wordnet30to a great extent or degreeyang besar lebih atau derajatExample:
I'm afraid the film was well over budget.
source: wordnet30with great or especially intimate knowledgedengan baik atau terutama intim pengetahuanExample:
We knew them well.
source: wordnet30with prudence or proprietydengan kebijaksanaan atau kesesuaianExample:
You would do well to say nothing more.
Could not well refuse.
source: wordnet30with skill or in a pleasing mannerdengan kemampuan atau di sebuah cara menyenangkanExample:
She dances well.
He writes well.
source: wordnet30in a manner affording benefit or advantagedalam cara affording manfaat atau keuntunganExample:
She married well.
source: wordnet30in financial comfortdalam kewangan kenyamananExample:
They live well.
source: wordnet30without unusual distress or resentment; with good humorbiasa atau tanpa kesulitan kebencian; dengan baik humorExample:
Took the joke well.
Took the tragic news well.
source: wordnet30In a good or proper manner; justly; rightly; not ill or wickedly.dalam cara yang baik atau yang tepat; dengan adil; benar; tidak sakit atau dengan.source: webster1913adjective satellite (s)
- resulting favorablykeseluruhannya dihasilkanExample:
It is well that no one saw you.
All's well that ends well.
source: wordnet30wise or advantageous and hence advisablebijak atau berfaedah dan maka disarankanExample:
It would be well to start early.
source: wordnet30verb (v)
- come up, as of a liquiddatang, sebagai seorang cairExample:
Tears well in her eyes.
The currents well up.
source: wordnet30To issue forth, as water from the earth; to flow; to spring.untuk mengeluarkan sebagainya, sebagai air dari bumi; mengalir; untuk musim semi.source: webster1913To pour forth, as from a well.untuk tuangkan sebagainya, seperti dari sumur.source: webster1913