English to English
adjective (a)
- of your own free will or design; done by choice; not forced or compelleddari gratis anda sendiri akan atau reka bentuk; dilakukan oleh pilihan; tidak dipaksakan atau wajibExample:
Man is a voluntary agent.
Participation was voluntary.
Voluntary manslaughter.
Voluntary generosity in times of disaster.
Voluntary social workers.
A voluntary confession.
source: wordnet30controlled by individual volitiondikendalikan oleh individu kemahuanExample:
Voluntary motions.
Voluntary muscles.
source: wordnet30Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of choice.melanjutkan dari kehendak; dihasilkan dalam atau melalui kewujudan pilihan.source: webster1913noun (n)
- (military) a person who freely enlists for service(militer) orang yang bebas enlists bagi servissource: wordnet30composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious service or musical performancekomposisi (sering improvisasi) untuk solo instrumen (terutama solo organ) dan tidak biasa part of a kebaktian atau pertunjukkan musikalsource: wordnet30One who engages in any affair of his own free will; a volunteer.yang ikut meminta sumbangan dalam setiap urusan sendiri kehendak bebas; sukarelawan.source: webster1913