English to English
adjective (a)
- lacking stability or fixity or firmnesskurang kestabilan atau keteguhan atau ketetapanExample:
Unstable political conditions.
The tower proved to be unstable in the high wind.
An unstable world economy.
source: wordnet30Not stable; not firm, fixed, or constant; subject to change or overthrow.tidak stabil; tidak tegas, tetap, atau pemalar; tertakluk kepada perubahan atau menggulingkan.source: webster1913adjective satellite (s)
- highly or violently reactiveatau secara kejam sangat reaktifExample:
Sensitive and highly unstable compounds.
source: wordnet30affording no ease or reassuranceaffording tidak mudah atau diyakinkansource: wordnet30suffering from severe mental illnessmenderita penyakit mental yang parahsource: wordnet30disposed to psychological variabilitybersedia variability psikologisExample:
His rather unstable religious convictions.
source: wordnet30subject to change; variabletertakluk kepada perubahan; pembolehubahExample:
Everything was unstable following the coup.
source: wordnet30