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('str/i/m/I//N/ )

adjective (a)

  • exuding a bodily fluid in profuse amounts
    exuding yang melimpah jumlah cecair dalam badan
    His streaming face.
    Her streaming eyes.
    source: wordnet30
  • Sending forth streams.
    mengirim aliran keluar.
    source: webster1913

noun (n)

  • the circulation of cytoplasm within a cell
    dari bagian sirkulasi cytoplasm dalam sel
    source: wordnet30
  • The act or operation of that which streams; the act of that which sends forth, or which runs in, streams.
    tindakan atau operasi yang aliran; tindakan itu yang akan mengirimkan sebagainya, atau yang berjalan dalam, aliran.
    source: webster1913

adjective satellite (s)

  • (computer science) using or relating to a form of continuous tape transport; used mainly to provide backup storage of unedited data
    (ilmu komputer) menggunakan atau berkaitan bentuk berterusan pita pengangkutan; digunakan terutama untuk memberikan cadangan penyimpanan data dari diedit
    Streaming audio.
    Streaming video recording.
    source: wordnet30