English to English
noun (n)
- a unit of apothecary weight equal to 20 grainskesatuan apothecary berat sama dengan 20 butirsource: wordnet30uneasiness about the fitness of an actionkebimbangan mengenai kebugaran dari aksisource: wordnet30an ethical or moral principle that inhibits actiondengan kode etik atau prinsip moral inhibits aksi itusource: wordnet30A weight of twenty grains; the third part of a dram.sebuah beban dua puluh butir; ketiga part of a dram.source: webster1913
verb (v)
- hesitate on moral groundsragu dengan alasan moralExample:
The man scrupled to perjure himself.
source: wordnet30raise scruplesnaikkan scruplesExample:
He lied and did not even scruple about it.
source: wordnet30have doubts aboutpunya keraguan tentangsource: wordnet30To be reluctant or to hesitate, as regards an action, on account of considerations of conscience or expedience.menjadi malu atau segan, salam sebagai satu tindakan, di rekening pertimbangan hati nurani atau expedience.source: webster1913To regard with suspicion; to hesitate at; to question.untuk kaitannya dengan kecurigaan; untuk ragu pada; untuk pertanyaan.source: webster1913