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('skr/eI/p/i//N/ )

adjective (a)

  • Resembling the act of, or the effect produced by, one who, or that which, scrapes; as, a scraping noise; a scraping miser.
    menyerupai tindakan, atau efek produced by, satu yang, atau itu yang, goresan; sebagai, aku mengemis/ suara saya; aku mengemis/ aku kikir.
    source: webster1913

noun (n)

  • (usually plural) a fragment scraped off of something and collected
    (biasanya jamak) fragmen dikikis dari sesuatu dan dikumpul
    They collected blood scrapings for analysis.
    source: wordnet30
  • a harsh noise made by scraping
    bunyi kasar yang dibuat oleh mengemis
    source: wordnet30
  • a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility)
    dalam busur di kakinya ditarik mundur (menunjukkan kerendahan hati berlebihan)
    All that bowing and scraping did not impress him.
    source: wordnet30
  • The act of scraping; the act or process of making even, or reducing to the proper form, by means of a scraper.
    tindakan mengemis; tindakan atau proses membuat bahkan, atau mengurangkan yang sesuai untuk bentuk, melalui pengikis.
    source: webster1913