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(r/oU/'z/eI//S//@/s )

adjective (a)

  • of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Rosaceae
    tentang atau menyangkut atau karakteristik dari keluarga rosaceae tanaman
    source: wordnet30
  • Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Rosaceæ) of which the rose is the type. It includes also the plums and cherries, meadowsweet, brambles, the strawberry, the hawthorn, applies, pears, service trees, and quinces.
    tentang atau berkaitan dengan sebuah perintah alami tanaman (aku rosace& aelig; / aku) antaranya mawar adalah jenis. ia termasuk juga selangkangan dan ceri, meadowsweet, brambles, si stroberi, the sejenis tumbuhan berduri, terpakai, pir, perkhidmatan pohon, dan quinces.
    source: webster1913

adjective satellite (s)

  • of something having a dusty purplish pink color
    sesuatu mengalami dusty keungu unguan warna pink
    rose, roseate
    source: wordnet30