English to English
noun (n)
- the reasoning involved when you assume the conclusion is true and reason backward to the evidencealasannya terlibat ketika anda menganggap kesimpulan yang benar dan alasan undur ke buktisource: wordnet30returning to a former statekembali ke bekas negarasource: wordnet30The act of passing back; passage back; return; retrogression. "The progress or regress of man".tindakan lewat belakang; jalan kembali; kembali; retrogression. " kemajuan atau aku mundur/ aku manusia" .source: webster1913
verb (v)
- go back to a statistical meanskembali pada statistik berartisource: wordnet30go back to a previous statekembali ke keadaan sebelumnyasource: wordnet30get worse or fall back to a previous conditionbertambah buruk atau mundur ke kondisi sebelumnyaSynonym:
retrograde, retrogress
advance, come along, come on, get along, get on, progress, shape upsource: wordnet30go back to bad behaviorkembali ke perilaku buruksource: wordnet30To go back; to return to a former place or state.untuk kembali; untuk kembali ke tempat atau bekas negara.source: webster1913