English to English
adjective (a)
- offensive or even (of persons) maliciousatau bahkan ofensif (dari orang) berbahayaExample:
In a nasty mood.
A nasty accident.
A nasty shock.
A nasty smell.
A nasty trick to pull.
Will he say nasty things at my funeral?.
source: wordnet30Offensively filthy; very dirty, foul, or defiled; disgusting; nauseous.offensively kotor; sangat kotor, busuk, atau defiled; menjijikkan; mual.source: webster1913adjective satellite (s)
- exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumventexasperatingly sulit untuk menangani atau menerobosExample:
A nasty problem.
source: wordnet30characterized by obscenityditandai oleh kecarutansource: wordnet30