English to English
noun (n)
- a vaguely specified concernyang tidak dinyatakan kebimbanganExample:
Several matters to attend to.
source: wordnet30some situation or event that is thought aboutbeberapa situasi atau berpikir tentang kejadian ituExample:
It is a matter for the police.
source: wordnet30that which has mass and occupies spaceyang telah misa dan menempati ruangExample:
Physicists study both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it.
source: wordnet30a problemmasalahExample:
Is anything the matter?.
source: wordnet30(used with negation) having consequence(digunakan dengan ketiadaan) memiliki konsekuensiExample:
They were friends and it was no matter who won the games.
source: wordnet30written works (especially in books or magazines)ditulis bekerja (terutama dalam buku atau majalah)Example:
He always took some reading matter with him on the plane.
source: wordnet30That of which anything is composed; constituent substance; material; the material or substantial part of anything; the constituent elements of conception; that into which a notion may be analyzed; the essence; the pith; the embodiment.itu adalah sesuatu yang menenangkan; pemilih substansi; materi; barangnya atau substansial bagian dari sesuatu; the juzuk elemen konsepsi; sebuah gagasan bahwa ke mana mungkin dianalisis; inti; the empulur; the jelmaan.source: webster1913verb (v)
- have weight; have import, carry weightberbobot; telah import, membawa beratExample:
It does not matter much.
source: wordnet30To be of importance; to import; to signify.adalah kumpulan penting; untuk mengimport; untuk menandakan.source: webster1913To regard as important; to take account of; to care for.untuk menganggap penting; untuk mengambil berkat; untuk merawat.source: webster1913