English to English
noun (n)
- a characteristic state or mode of livingsebuah negara atau mod karakteristik dari hidupExample:
Social life.
City life.
Real life.
source: wordnet30the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activitiespengalaman hidup; manusia acara dan kegiatanExample:
He could no longer cope with the complexities of life.
source: wordnet30the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in livingkursus adanya dari seorang individu; tindakan dan peristiwa yang terjadi dalam hidupExample:
He hoped for a new life in Australia.
He wanted to live his own life without interference from others.
source: wordnet30the condition of living or the state of being alivekondisi hidup atau keadaan menjadi hidupExample:
While there's life there's hope.
Life depends on many chemical and physical processes.
source: wordnet30the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)tempoh selama itu sesuatu yang fungsional (sebagai antara kelahiran dan kematian)Example:
The battery had a short life.
He lived a long and happy life.
source: wordnet30the period between birth and the present timetempoh antara kelahiran dan masa iniExample:
I have known him all his life.
source: wordnet30the period from the present until deathperiode dari sekarang hingga kematianExample:
He appointed himself emperor for life.
source: wordnet30a living personhidup orangExample:
His heroism saved a life.
source: wordnet30animation and energy in action or expressionanimasi dan energi dalam aksi atau ungkapanExample:
It was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it.
source: wordnet30living things collectivelymakhluk hidup secara kolektifExample:
The oceans are teeming with life.
source: wordnet30the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving onesorganik yang fenomena itu distinguishes organisma dari nonliving yangExample:
There is no life on the moon.
source: wordnet30an account of the series of events making up a person's lifeakaun dari peristiwa mengarang kehidupan seseorangsource: wordnet30a motive for livingmotif untuk hidupExample:
Pottery was his life.
source: wordnet30a prison term lasting as long as the prisoner liveshukuman penjara berlangsung selama tahanan hidupExample:
He got life for killing the guard.
source: wordnet30The state of being which begins with generation, birth, or germination, and ends with death; also, the time during which this state continues; that state of an animal or plant in which all or any of its organs are capable of performing all or any of their functions; - - used of all animal and vegetable organisms.keadaan menjadi dimulai dengan generasi, kelahiran, atau pembenihan, dan berakhir dengan kematian; juga, waktu selama mana negara ini berlanjut; itu keadaan haiwan atau tumbuhan dan semua atau apapun dari organ yang mampu menjalankan semua fungsi atau salah satu dari mereka; - - gunakan semua binatang dan sayur organisme.source: webster1913