English to English
adjective (a)
- produced under conditions involving intense heatmenghasilkan kondisi melibatkan kenaikan suhu di bawahExample:
Igneous rock is rock formed by solidification from a molten state; especially from molten magma.
Igneous fusion is fusion by heat alone.
source: wordnet30produced by the action of fire or intense heatdiproduksi oleh tindakan api atau kenaikan suhuExample:
Rocks formed by igneous agents.
source: wordnet30Pertaining to, having the nature of, fire; containing fire; resembling fire; as, an igneous appearance.berkaitan dengan, memiliki sifat, api; mengandungi api; menyerupai api; sebagai, sebuah i igneous/ penampilan saya.source: webster1913adjective satellite (s)
- like or suggestive of fireseperti atau memberi saran dari apiExample:
An igneous desert atmosphere.
source: wordnet30