English to English
noun (n)
- any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.ada kerusakan fisik tubuhnya akibat keganasan atau sengaja atau rekahan dll.source: wordnet30feelings of mental or physical painperasaan sakit mental atau fizikalsource: wordnet30the act of damaging something or someonetindakan pembejatan sesuatu atau seseorangsource: wordnet30A band on a trip-hammer helve, bearing the trunnions.sebuah band pada trip hammer helve, bantalan trunnions.source: webster1913
adjective satellite (s)
- suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battlemenderita fizikal terutama yang menderita cedera dalam pertempuranExample:
Ambulances...for the hurt men and women.
source: wordnet30damaged inanimate objects or their valuemembosankan objek rosak atau nilainyasource: wordnet30verb (v)
- give trouble or pain toberi masalah atau sakit keExample:
This exercise will hurt your back.
source: wordnet30cause emotional anguish or make miserablekarena emosional kesedihan atau membuat sengsarasource: wordnet30cause damage or affect negativelymencacatkan atau kesan negatifExample:
Our business was hurt by the new competition.
source: wordnet30hurt the feelings ofmenyakiti perasaan orangExample:
She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests.
source: wordnet30feel physical painmerasakan rasa sakit fisikExample:
Were you hurting after the accident?.
source: wordnet30feel pain or be in painmerasa sakit atau berada dalam kesakitansource: wordnet30To cause physical pain to; to do bodily harm to; to wound or bruise painfully.untuk menimbulkan rasa sakit fisik; untuk melakukan membahayakan tubuh kepada; untuk luka atau lebam dan menyakitkan.source: webster1913