English to English
noun (n)
- a stupid person; these words are used to express a low opinion of someone's intelligenceorang bodoh; kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pendapat rendah kecerdasan seseorangSynonym:
blockhead, bonehead, dumbass, dunce, dunderhead, fuckhead, knucklehead, loggerhead, lunkhead, muttonhead, numskull, shitheadsource: wordnet30the striking part of a hammeryang memukul bagian dari palusource: wordnet30medium-sized live-bearing shark with eyes at either end of a flattened hammer-shaped head; worldwide in warm waters; can be dangerousmedium sized live bearing hiu dengan mata juga di ujung yang rata hammer shaped kepala; seluruh dunia di air hangat; bisa berbahayasource: wordnet30A shark of the genus Sphyrna or Zygæna, having the eyes set on projections from the sides of the head, which gives it a hammer shape. The Sphyrna zygæna is found in the North Atlantic. Called also hammer fish, and balance fish.NAsource: webster1913