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('f/&/r/@/d )

noun (n)

  • the capacitance of a capacitor that has an equal and opposite charge of 1 coulomb on each plate and a voltage difference of 1 volt between the plates
    the capacitance of a kapasitor yang setara dan berlawanan jawab dalam 1 coulomb pada setiap piring dan voltase perbedaan antara 1 dari volt plat
    source: wordnet30
  • The standard unit of electrical capacity; the capacity of a condenser whose charge, having an electro-motive force of one volt, is equal to the amount of electricity which, with the same electromotive force, passes through one ohm in one second; the capacity, which, charged with one coulomb, gives an electro-motive force of one volt.
    standard kesatuan listrik kapasitas; keupayaan sebuah pemeluwap siapa jawab, memiliki seorang electro motive kuasa satu volt, sama dengan jumlah eletrik yang mana, dengan sama electromotive force, melewati satu ohm dalam satu detik; kapasitas, yang mana, didakwa satu coulomb, memberikan sebuah electro motive kuasa satu volt.
    source: webster1913