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noun (n)

  • action that makes a problem or a disease (or its symptoms) worse
    tindakan itu membuat masalah atau penyakit (or its gejala) buruk
    source: wordnet30
  • violent and bitter exasperation
    kekerasan dan pahit kepahitan
    His foolishness was followed by an exacerbation of their quarrel.
    source: wordnet30
  • The act rendering more violent or bitter; the state of being exacerbated or intensified in violence or malignity; as, exacerbation of passion.
    tindakan merealisasikan lebih keras atau pahit; keadaan menjadi exacerbated atau intensif dalam keganasan atau malignity; sebagai, aku exacerbation/ aku gairah.
    source: webster1913