English to English
noun (n)
- a correction made by erasingyang dibuat oleh erasing pembetulanExample:
There were many erasures in the typescript.
source: wordnet30a surface area where something has been erasedsebuah area permukaan dimana sesuatu telah terhapusExample:
Another word had been written over the erasure.
source: wordnet30deletion by an act of expunging or erasingpemadaman oleh kewujudan mengosongkan atau erasingsource: wordnet30The act of erasing; a scratching out; obliteration.tindakan erasing; sebuah pencoretan; pembasmian.source: webster1913An instance of erasing; also, the place where something has been erased.contoh dari erasing; juga, tempat di mana sesuatu telah terhapus.source: webster1913