English to English
adjective (a)
- refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or stylehalus dan bercitarasa rupa atau gaya perilaku atauExample:
Elegant handwriting.
An elegant dark suit.
She was elegant to her fingertips.
Small churches with elegant white spires.
An elegant mathematical solution--simple and precise and lucid.
source: wordnet30 - Very choice, and hence, pleasing to good taste; characterized by grace, propriety, and refinement, and the absence of every thing offensive; exciting admiration and approbation by symmetry, completeness, freedom from blemish, and the like; graceful; tasteful and highly attractive; as, elegant manners; elegant style of composition; an elegant speaker; an elegant structure.sangat pilihan, dan karenanya, menyenangkan untuk selera bagus; ditandai oleh grace, kesesuaian, dan adab, dan ketiadaan setiap hal ofensif; menarik kekaguman dan pengabulan oleh simetri, kelengkapan, kebebasan dari cacat, dan sejenisnya; anggun; nyaman dan sangat menarik; sebagai, aku elegan/ aku sopan santun; aku elegan/ aku gaya gubahan; sebuah i elegan/ aku speaker; sebuah i elegan/ aku struktur.source: webster1913
adjective satellite (s)
- displaying effortless beauty and simplicity in movement or executionmemaparkan mudah kecantikan dan kesederhanaan dalam pergerakan atau eksekusiExample:
An elegant dancer.
An elegant mathematical solution -- simple and precise.
source: wordnet30