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(d/I/,s/oU/s/i/'/eI//S//@/n )

noun (n)

  • the act of removing from association
    tindakan mengeluarkan dari asosiasi
    source: wordnet30
  • a state in which some integrated part of a person's life becomes separated from the rest of the personality and functions independently
    keadaan di mana beberapa terpadu bagian dari kehidupan seseorang menjadi terpisah dari sisa personaliti dan fungsi independen
    source: wordnet30
  • (chemistry) the temporary or reversible process in which a molecule or ion is broken down into smaller molecules or ions
    (kimia) the sementara atau reversible proses di mana molekul atau ion rusak ke dalam molekul kecil atau ion
    source: wordnet30
  • The act of dissociating or disuniting; a state of separation; disunion.
    tindakan dissociating atau disuniting; keadaan perpisahan; perpecahan.
    source: webster1913