English to English
adjective (a)
- marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraintpancaran prudence atau kesederhanaan dan bijak self restraintExample:
His trusted discreet aide.
A discreet, finely wrought gold necklace.
source: wordnet30Possessed of discernment, especially in avoiding error or evil, and in the adaptation of means to ends; prudent; sagacious; judicious; not rash or heedless; cautious.besar dari ketajaman, terutama di menghindari ralat atau jahat, dan di adaptasi dari sarana untuk berakhir; budiman; berakal; bijaksana; bukan ruam atau tidak mempedulikan; hati hati.source: webster1913adjective satellite (s)
- unobtrusively perceptive and sympatheticunobtrusively peka dan simpatiExample:
A discreet silence.
source: wordnet30heedful of potential consequencesheedful potensi konsekuensiExample:
A discreet investor.
source: wordnet30