English to English
noun (n)
- the extent downward or backward or inwardtingkat bawah atau ke belakang atau ke dalamExample:
The depth of the water.
Depth of a shelf.
Depth of a closet.
source: wordnet30degree of psychological or intellectual profunditytinggi atau intelektual kedalaman psikologissource: wordnet30(usually plural) the deepest and most remote part(biasanya jamak) yang terdalam dan terpencil yang bagianExample:
From the depths of darkest Africa.
Signals received from the depths of space.
source: wordnet30(usually plural) a low moral state(biasanya jamak) low moral negaraExample:
He had sunk to the depths of addiction.
source: wordnet30the intellectual ability to penetrate deeply into ideaspara cendekiawan kemampuan untuk menembus dalam idesource: wordnet30the attribute or quality of being deep, strong, or intensethe atribut atau kualiti yang mendalam, kuat, atau intensExample:
The depth of his breathing.
The depth of his sighs,.
The depth of his emotion.
source: wordnet30The quality of being deep; deepness; perpendicular measurement downward from the surface, or horizontal measurement backward from the front; as, the depth of a river; the depth of a body of troops.kualitas yang mendalam; kedalaman; pengukuran tegak lurus ke bawah dari permukaan, atau mengufuk measurement undur dari depan; sebagai, i kedalaman/ aku dari sungai; i kedalaman/ aku dari tubuh pasukan.source: webster1913The perpendicular distance from the chord to the farthest point of an arched surface.satu tegak lurus jarak paling jauh dari akord untuk point of an arched permukaan.source: webster1913