English to English
noun (n)
- the condition of being susceptible to harm or injurykondisi yang rentan terhadap bahaya atau cederaExample:
You are in no danger.
There was widespread danger of disease.
source: wordnet30a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injuryusaha yang dilakukan tanpa memperhatikan untuk mungkin kehilangan atau cederaExample:
There was a danger he would do the wrong thing.
source: wordnet30a cause of pain or injury or losssebab sakit atau cedera atau kehilanganExample:
He feared the dangers of traveling by air.
source: wordnet30a dangerous placetempat yang berbahayaExample:
He moved out of danger.
source: wordnet30Authority; jurisdiction; control.otoritas; yurisdiksi; kontrol.source: webster1913verb (v)
- To endanger.untuk membahayakan.source: webster1913