English to English
noun (n)
- the process of taking in and expelling air during breathingproses membawa masuk dan expelling bernapas udara selamaExample:
He took a deep breath and dived into the pool.
He was fighting to his last breath.
source: wordnet30the air that is inhaled and exhaled in respirationudara yang dihirup dan exhaled dalam pernafasanExample:
His sour breath offended her.
source: wordnet30a short respitejalan istirahatsource: wordnet30an indirect suggestionsebuah saran secara tidak langsungExample:
Not a breath of scandal ever touched her.
source: wordnet30a slight movement of the airsedikit pergerakan udaraExample:
There wasn't a breath of air in the room.
source: wordnet30The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration; air which, in the process of respiration, has parted with oxygen and has received carbonic acid, aqueous vapor, warmth, etc.udara dan exhaled dihirup di pernafasan; udara yang, dalam proses pernafasan, telah berpisah dengan oksigen dan telah menerima carbonic asam, berair uap, kehangatan, dll.source: webster1913