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adjective (a)

  • Showing blushes; rosy red; having a warm and delicate color like some roses and other flowers; blooming; ruddy; roseate.
    menunjukkan merona; rosy merah; mengalami hangat dan lembut seperti beberapa warna lain bunga mawar dan; mekar; kemerahan; roseate.
    source: webster1913

noun (n)

  • The act of turning red; the appearance of a reddish color or flush upon the cheeks.
    tindakan memerah; terlihat seperti warna merah pada pipi atau flush.
    source: webster1913

adjective satellite (s)

  • having a red face from embarrassment or shame or agitation or emotional upset
    memiliki wajah merah dari mengaibkan atau malu atau hasutan atau emosi sedih
    The blushing boy was brought before the Principal.
    source: wordnet30