English to English
noun (n)
- a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder; aids in the digestion of fatspencernaan jus yang dihasilkan oleh hati dan disimpan dalam gallbladder; aids dalam pencernaan dari lemaksource: wordnet30A yellow, or greenish, viscid fluid, usually alkaline in reaction, secreted by the liver. It passes into the intestines, where it aids in the digestive process. Its characteristic constituents are the bile salts, and coloring matters.yang kuning, atau kehijauan, cairan melekit, biasanya dalam reaksi alkali, dihasilkan oleh hati. racun itu masuk ke dalam usus, dimana alat bantu dalam proses pencernaan. its karakteristik constituents adalah empedu garam, dan mewarna penting.source: webster1913A boil.bisul.source: webster1913