English to English
adverb (r)
- to a severe or serious degreepada tingkat parah atau seriusExample:
Fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated.
Badly injured.
source: wordnet30(`ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well(` ill' sering digunakan sebagai gabungan bentuk) dalam sebuah miskin atau salah laku atau memuaskan; tidak baikExample:
The car runs badly.
He performed badly on the exam.
source: wordnet30evilly or wickedlyatau dengan evillyExample:
Treated his parents badly.
To steal is to act badly.
source: wordnet30in a disobedient or naughty waydalam sebuah babil atau cara nakalExample:
He behaved badly in school.
source: wordnet30with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly')dengan sangat intensitas (` bad' adalah untuk nonstandard variant` badly')Example:
The injury hurt badly.
The buildings were badly shaken.
source: wordnet30very much; stronglysangat banyak; kuatExample:
I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it.
The cables had sagged badly.
They were badly in need of help.
source: wordnet30without skill or in a displeasing mannertanpa kemampuan atau di sebuah displeasing caraExample:
She writes badly.
I think he paints very badly.
source: wordnet30in a disadvantageous way; to someone's disadvantagedalam cara yang tidak menguntungkan; kerugian kepada seseorangExample:
The venture turned out badly for the investors.
source: wordnet30unfavorably or with disapprovalunfavorably atau dengan ketidaksetujuanExample:
Thought badly of him for his lack of concern.
source: wordnet30with unusual distress or resentment or regret or emotional displaytidak biasa dengan kesusahan atau kebencian atau penyesalan atau emosional paparanExample:
They took their defeat badly.
Took her father's death badly.
Conducted himself very badly at the time of the earthquake.
source: wordnet30In a bad manner; poorly; not well; unskillfully; imperfectly; unfortunately; grievously; so as to cause harm; disagreeably; seriously.dalam cara yang buruk; buruk; tidak baik; unskillfully; imperfectly; sayangnya; grievously; sehingga menyebabkan bahaya; disagreeably; serius.source: webster1913