English to English
adjective (a)
- related to or located at the backberkaitan dengan atau terletak di belakangExample:
The back yard.
The back entrance.
source: wordnet30Being at the back or in the rear; distant; remote; as, the back door; back settlements.berada di belakang atau di belakang; jauh; remote; sebagai, aku kembali/ aku pintu; aku kembali/ aku penempatan.source: webster1913noun (n)
- the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spineyang terletak di belakang bagian dari manusia (atau hewan) tubuh dari leher ke ujung tulang belakangExample:
His back was nicely tanned.
source: wordnet30the side that goes last or is not normally seensisi yang berlangsung terakhir atau tidak biasanya dilihatExample:
He wrote the date on the back of the photograph.
source: wordnet30the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewerbagian dari sesuatu yang jauh dari normal gnupgExample:
He stood at the back of the stage.
source: wordnet30(football) a person who plays in the backfield(football) seseorang yang bermain di daerah belakangsource: wordnet30the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cordsatu siri pemegang tulang belakang dia membentuk sumbu dari kerangkanya dan melindungi keluarga spinal cordExample:
The fall broke his back.
source: wordnet30the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a bookperlindungan yang meliputi di bagian depan, kembali, dan tulang belakang sebuah bukusource: wordnet30the part of a garment that covers the back of your bodybagian dari sebuah pakaian yang meliputi belakang tubuhmuExample:
They pinned a `kick me' sign on his back.
source: wordnet30a support that you can lean against while sittingdukungan yang boleh menghalang saat beradaExample:
The back of the dental chair was adjustable.
source: wordnet30(American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage(american football) posisi bagi pemain di sebuah tim football yang ditempatkan di belakang garis dari latihan sepak bolasource: wordnet30A large shallow vat; a cistern, tub, or trough, used by brewers, distillers, dyers, picklers, gluemakers, and others, for mixing or cooling wort, holding water, hot glue, etc.tangki yang besar dangkal; sebuah tangki air, tab, atau melalui, digunakan oleh brewers, distillers, dyers, picklers, gluemakers, dan orang lain, untuk mencampur atau wort pendinginan, menahan air, panas lem, dll.source: webster1913In human beings, the hinder part of the body, extending from the neck to the end of the spine; in other animals, that part of the body which corresponds most nearly to such part of a human being; as, the back of a horse, fish, or lobster.dalam manusia, yang menghalang bagian tubuh, berupa dari leher ke ujung tulang belakang; dengan hewan lainnya, bagian tubuh yang sesuai paling hampir seperti bagian dari manusia; sebagai, aku kembali/ aku seekor kuda, ikan, atau lobster.source: webster1913adverb (r)
- in or to or toward a former locationatau untuk atau terhadap bekas lokasiExample:
She went back to her parents' house.
source: wordnet30at or to or toward the back or rearpada atau atau atau belakang ke arah belakangExample:
He moved back.
Tripped when he stepped backward.
backward, backwards, rearward, rearwards
forrad, forrard, forward, forwards, frontward, frontwardssource: wordnet30in or to or toward an original conditionatau untuk atau terhadap original kondisiExample:
He went back to sleep.
source: wordnet30in or to or toward a past timeatau untuk atau terhadap masaExample:
Set the clocks back an hour.
Never look back.
Lovers of the past looking fondly backward.
source: wordnet30in replydi balasExample:
He wrote back three days later.
source: wordnet30in repayment or retaliationdalam pembayaran atau pembalasanExample:
We paid back everything we had borrowed.
He hit me and I hit him back.
I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher.
source: wordnet30In, to, or toward, the rear; as, to stand back; to step back.dalam, untuk, atau ke arah, belakang; sebagai, sampai aku kembali/ aku; untuk langkah aku kembali/ aku.source: webster1913adjective satellite (s)
- located at or near the back of an animalterletak di atau dekat belakang binatangExample:
Back (or hind) legs.
source: wordnet30of an earlier datedari awal tarikhExample:
Back issues of the magazine.
source: wordnet30verb (v)
- be behind; approve ofberada di belakang; menyetujuiExample:
I backed Kennedy in 1960.
source: wordnet30travel backwardperjalanan ke belakangExample:
Back into the driveway.
The car backed up and hit the tree.
source: wordnet30give support or one's approval toatau satu persetujuan untuk memberikan sokonganExample:
I can't back this plan.
source: wordnet30cause to travel backwardkarena untuk perjalanan ke belakangExample:
Back the car into the parking spot.
source: wordnet30support financial backing forsokongan kewangan bagi sokonganExample:
Back this enterprise.
source: wordnet30be in back ofberada di belakangExample:
My garage backs their yard.
source: wordnet30place a bet ontempat taruhan padaExample:
Which horse are you backing?.
source: wordnet30shift to a counterclockwise directionshift ke arah berlawanan arah jamExample:
The wind backed.
source: wordnet30establish as valid or genuinetetapkan sebagai sah atau asliExample:
Can you back up your claims?.
source: wordnet30strengthen by providing with a back or backingmemperkuat dengan menyediakan dengan kembali atau sokongansource: wordnet30To get upon the back of; to mount.untuk mendapatkan di belakang; ke gunung.source: webster1913To move or go backward; as, the horse refuses to back.untuk bergerak atau pergi ke belakang; sebagai, aku menolak untuk kembali kuda/ aku.source: webster1913