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noun (n)

  • (figurative) something that hinders or handicaps
    (ibarat) sesuatu yang hinders atau handicaps
    She was an albatross around his neck.
    source: wordnet30
  • large web-footed birds of the southern hemisphere having long narrow wings; noted for powerful gliding flight
    besar web footed birds of belahan bumi selatan memiliki panjang sempit sayap; dicatat untuk meluncur penerbangan kuat
    source: wordnet30
  • A web-footed bird, of the genus Diomedea, of which there are several species. They are the largest of sea birds, capable of long-continued flight, and are often seen at great distances from the land. They are found chiefly in the southern hemisphere.
    sebuah web footed burung, dari genus diomedea aku/ aku, mana ada beberapa spesies. mereka adalah yang terbesar dari burung laut, mampu long continued penerbangan, dan sering dilihat di besar jarak dari tanah. mereka menemukan terutama di belahan bumi selatan.
    source: webster1913