English to English
noun (n)
- a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new formbertulis bekerja (sebagai sebuah novel) yang telah rombakan dalam cara yang baruExample:
The play is an adaptation of a short novel.
source: wordnet30the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)proses beradaptasi untuk sesuatu (seperti keadaan alam sekitar)source: wordnet30(physiology) the responsive adjustment of a sense organ (as the eye) to varying conditions (as of light)(fisiologi) the responsif pelarasan of a indera (sebagai mata) untuk berbagai kondisi (sebagai cahaya)source: wordnet30The act or process of adapting, or fitting; or the state of being adapted or fitted; fitness.tindakan atau proses beradaptasi, atau pas; atau keadaan yang diadaptasi atau dipasang; fitness.source: webster1913